Acupuncture Therapy

Traditional Chinese Acupuncture only uses sterile, disposable and highly specialized acupuncture needles and adheres to clean needle technique in accordance with the National Acupuncture Foundation and World Health Organization. The side effects due to acupuncture are considered to be minor and transient.

Acupuncture is done with extremely thin flexible needles made of steel alloy. There is nothing special about the needle, it is merely a tool to correct the energy imbalance in the body, and or release neurotransmitters. There is often a brief “ needle prick” sensation as the needle passes through the skin. As the needle begins to work and effects start to occur, one may feel numbness, heat, dull aching or tingling sensation in the vicinity of the needle insertion. Generally, the needles are left in place for about 30 – 45 minutes. They may be rotated by the practitioner or stimulated by electricity or heat.


Recent studies suggest that Needles used in acupuncture activate small nerve fibers in the muscle, which transmit impulses to the spinal cord, and activate centers in the central nervous system releasing a variety of chemicals called neurotransmitters, many of which have pain-relieving properties. and stimulates the production of chemical transmitters between the neurons (neurotransmitters) and increases the sense of wellbeing.  It is thought to be particularly effective in inducing the opioid peptide (endorphins, enkephalins, and dynorphins) which are closely involved with the perception of pain in the central nervous system, thereby regulating and reducing pain.

Acupuncture is thought to affect electric energy between tissues, thereby facilitating healing by allowing transfer of nutrients to injured or affected cells.  Another theory considers that acupuncture affects the blood concentration of triglycerides, cholesterol, and phospholipids, helping the production of healthy blood and ensuring the free flow of oxygen.


Traditional Chinese Acupuncture  only uses sterile, disposable and highly specialized acupuncture needles and adheres to clean needle technique in accordance with the National Acupuncture Foundation and World Health Organization. The side effects due to acupuncture are considered to be minor and transient.